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London Borough of Lewisham – 16+

Knowland House is a newly refurbished, modern but very homely 16-bed three-storey property in. The home is in South-east London on the Zone 2/3 border with easy access to public transport. It is split into five flats, each with two toilets, a communal bathroom, and a kitchen.

Young people have their own individual, lockable, bedrooms and use of the house TV lounge and communal area. There is a secure garden courtyard and off-street parking.

Our home’s approach is rooted in using positive relationships to support young people’s development and wellbeing. The team uses concepts and theoretical models drawn from a Social Pedagogic approach along with our philosophy of care and attachment theory. This empowers them to actively participate in decisions about their care and their future.

If you wish to enquire further about our supported accommodation, please contact